


NOTICE bwin中国官网 Students and Administration, This is a reminder that SPAM emails should 从来没有 他的回应是 任何 情况下. 如果您收到一封电子邮件,提及删除您的 Microsoft Office 365 account or offering a job as a Secret Shopper, these are not messages from bwin中国官网. Please do NOT open 任何 emails you suspect to be SPAM or respond to requests for personal information. If you are in doubt as to whether an email is official and from bwin中国官网, 请联系IT帮助台,电话:(405)733-7356.


要访问SSO(包括OASIS和Canvas), 现有的 用户 点击这里

罗斯州立大学与QuickLaunch合作提供教师, 工作人员, 以及具有单点登录(又名“SSO”)功能的学生. SSO用于方便地访问学校常用的在线服务, 例如PeopleSoft/Oasis注册系统, 掠袭者的电子邮件, 和Canvas LMS. Now you can effortlessly access the most common online resources supported by the college from a single portal location without having to sign into 每一个 application individually. You can also quickly change your logon password (in case you forget it or it expires) by using the SSO portal without having to contact the campus 信息rmation Technology Services department directly. You will only need to remember one password for accessing key college services.

***NOTE: Access to the Raider student email is not active at this time through SSO.***

对于第一次(全新)用户: 您必须进入SSO登录页面(如上),然后单击“首次使用用户”.

重要提示: If you have already successfully accessed the college network by signing into our SSO (Single Sign On), there’s NO NEED TO CLICK ON “首次使用用户”…that’s just for brand new students who have just been admitted to the college and have 从来没有 signed into campus systems before. 如果您忘记了网络密码,请转到SSO并单击“忘记了密码“金色之下的链接”登录”按钮

请务必设置您的初始挑战问题, and enter a secondary email address and mobile phone number as soon as possible. 这些将在未来验证您的身份至关重要.


On 周四11/30/2023, our campus Enabled MFA(多因素认证)在学院单点登录 (Single Sign-On) for 教师 and 工作人员.  这一类的所有人 必须 确保他们的手机号码在OASIS中是当前的.  We synchronize the 移动 number from OASIS to the SSO “Primary Phone Number”.  如果您在OASIS的“手机号码”不正确, SSO“主电话号码”将不正确 可能无法登录 校园系统.  尽量减少你的挫败感, you must resolve this BEFORE 1/29/2024 by updating your “移动 Number” in OASIS.  了解更多.


Maintaining an up-to-date phone number on file with the college is crucial for ensuring effective communication, as well as serving as a component of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for the SSO login.



For additional information about the new SSO, please click on the following link: http://玫瑰.edu/login-faq


你的密码 必须 至少是 14 最大值为 28 字符长度.

你的新密码应该是 密码. 密码短语是 比传统密码长一些的句子式单词串,易记忆,难破解.

必须 包含 每一个 具有下列特点的:

  • 大写字母A-Z
  • 小写字母a-z
  • 利用数字0到9
  • 非字母字符(如.g. ! $ # & % *)

密码 不能 包含 all or part of your username, First Name, Last Name, or a US Zip Code.

不能选择使用过5次的密码. 提示:在字典中找到的单词可能不被系统接受. 如果系统拒绝你的密码,你可能会故意拼错一个单词.


Maintaining an up-to-date phone number on file with the college is crucial for ensuring effective communication, as well as serving as a component of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for the SSO login.



SSO之外, 个人系统(学生电子邮件), Computer Network) can still be accessed with the original credentials and processes.


学院发给每个学生一个学校的电子邮件地址.玫瑰.Edu域名用于所有官方交流. 要登录您的大学电子邮件帐户,请转到 在你的浏览器中. 您的学生电子邮件地址格式为firstname-lastname@raider.玫瑰.edu. 学生的电子邮件

还不是学生? 适用于今天!

绿洲登录 & 类招生

The student information system (OASIS) is sometimes referred to as PeopleSoft because that is the name of the platform on which it runs. 通过绿洲, 学生可以查看课表, 报名参加课程, 降类, 检查最终成绩, 支付学生账单, 等. 学生通过SSO访问OASIS.


目前我们使用 Canvas 学习管理系统为我们的在线和校园课程.  有关Canvas的更多信息,请访问 帆布概述 我们网站的页面



登入校园电脑, 您将使用在SSO安装过程中创建的相同凭据. It is important to know that you will not be able to access a campus computer until this step is complete. 每学期的头一两周, there are designated computers in the LRC to setup your SSO account if you do not have access to a computer or mobile device with internet connectivity.


手动将您的设备添加到我们的网络,请遵循以下步骤: mydevices.玫瑰.edu while connected to either RSCPublic (for students) or RSCPrivate (for faculty/工作人员). To add your device, please have your device's MAC address available for input. 请联络资讯科技服务部(405) 733-7356 如果你需要进一步的帮助!